

     Two years of strawberry experimental work has been carricd

on under the direction of the College of Agriculture.    Thia work

has consisted of strawberry varieties effects of various

fertilizers, mulching, and the marketing quality of these

varieties. A report will be made available this fall, which

should be of benefit to the strawberry growers in the County.

Prices during the past season approached normal, which has en-

couraged strawberry growers to increase their acreage. There is

still much to be done on standardizing varieties and marketing

quality fruit.

     More attention ;.2 being paid to orchards as a means of cash

income. Pruning and spraying are receiving more attention and

each year more commercial fertilizer is used. Concentration on

one variety of raspberries is progressing, especially in the

Bayfield communityo

                          COUNTY FAIR

     By direction of the County Board, the Agricultural Committee

again assumed the management of the County Fair, with the County

Agent as Secretary. Considerable repairs and improvements were

made to the grounds. This year's premium list was revised and

added to in order to more adequately represent the agricultural

and home products within the County. While the attendance was

less than last year, the exhibits increased by 50%. Premiums

were offered on dairy cattle this year, and it is hoped that the

list can be extended to include other livestock.

     Due to the various County and Governmental programs which

are being carried on, it is impossible for the County Agent to