
-ke as many perscnal farm visits as formerly. However, during

ilse past year 424 farm visits were made to assist in person 1

"arm problems such as soils, crops, drainage, land clearin2,

Livestock, etc.

                        LOOKING FORWARD

     The Agriculwural Committee, which has charge of the land

use program, including forestry and zoning, has given considerable

thought to the development of the resources within the County.

A program of this kind involves agriculture, forestry, recreation

and zoning. The agricultural program should consist of (1) giving

whatever aid and aseistance is possible to farmers in getting

more acreage undc- 6Jltivation; (2) increasing the net income of

these farms through improved herd, soil and crop management;

(3) interesting il1ore farm folks in sponsoring 4-H club work;

(4) developing a national farm program more adapted to northern


     The forestry program consists of placing suitable acreage

under the Forest Crop Law 80 that the local municipalities, as

well as the County, will derive some immediate benefits from the

program, at the same time developing these lands for the purpose

for which they are suited. At the present time, 40% of the land

in the County is classified as forestry lands, 27% as agricultural.

It is apparent that forestry and agriculture must be developed

simultaneously. The use of certain lands for recreational pur-

poses is increasing, and the further recreational possibilities

of the County are worthy of consideration.

     Since Bayfield County has diversified land uses, zoning is

of paramount importance. The authority to direct, divert and