
fire, and when this unit is completed, survey work will be star.

in Unit #4, where the same condition exists.    It is expected th)t

it will take at least two years to re-establish permanent section

corners on the remainder of the County Forest land.

     In 1938, 120 acres were planted to two-year old jack pine.

Due to dry weather and other causes, about 30% died, and this

area was replanted in the spring of 1939, using 24 men for ten

days. It is probable that in the near future, planting will be

done on a larger scale.

     There has been a rather active market for timber stumpage,

and during the past year, timber sales have amounted to $3,717.48.

This amount, less the State stumpage tax, goes into the general

County fund.  T c re is a large volume of aspen pulp wood on

County Forest lands which will undoubtedly be sold when the pulp

wood market returns to normal.


     The Soil Conservation program for 1939 is practically the

same as that of 1938. The program is directed by a County Ex-

ecutive Committee of three members which ib elected by farmer

delegates from the nine districts in the County. Figures on

the 1939 program are not yet available, but during 1938, 1,234

farmers in the County participated in the program, receivin<

total benefit payments amounting to $29,406.74, or an averag;e of

$23.83 per farm. Much of the money received has been used to buy

lime, fertilizer and seeds. According to the assessors' ruporta,

there are now over 8,000 acres of alfalfa in the County as cam-

pared to 850 acres ten years ago. The various lime programs

during the past few years, plus the soil building provisions of