
                    LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT

     Since dairying forms the major part of livestock income in

Bayfield County, it is of primary importance that advancement be

made along this line as rapidly as possible. Three one-day

breeding schools were held at the Experiment Station for Bayfield

County dairy farmers. These meetings were conducted by dairy

specialists from the College of Agriculture and the Wisconsin

Dairyman's Association, who discussed the following subjects,

"Reproduction in Dairy Cattle@, "Fundamentals of Dairy Cattle

Breeding", "Selecting Breeding Stock", "Successful Breeding

Systems", "Essentials in a Constructive Breeding Programh, and

"Cooperative Bull Associations and Artificial Breeding". These

subjects provided fundamental information which will be of use to

Bayfield County dairymen in their livestock program. Another

dairymen's school will be held this fall as the next step in our

Dairy Program. "Herd Management", "The Next Generation of

Cattle", and "Feeding Dairy Cattle" will be the subjects dis-

cussed. It is felt that these subjects will assist Bayfield County

dairymen in maintaining an economic dairy herd.

      The need for cooperative bull rings or the cooperative owner-

 ship of bulls is especially apparent in communities where the

 average herd is rather small. Many farmers, having a herd of ten

 cows or less, are maintaining a bull for the individual herd,

 resulting in a high overhead expense for this service. By es-

 tablishing a bull ring or a cooperative partnership in one bull,

 service could be given to several dairy herds at a fraction of

 the present cost. Results obtained in other communities under

 this plan have been very satisfactory, and this program will be

 pushed in the future.

