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the Soil Conservation program, are largely responsible for this

increased acreage.

     Alfalfa and clover seed are coming to be recognized as a

standard cash crop in the County. There is excellent demand for

these seeds farther south in the State, and all available seeds

are sold each year. A Cooperative Seed Growers Association has

been established in Douglas County, to which several Bayfield

County seed growers belong. By making advanced payments on seeds

deposited to the Association, farmers are not forced to sell

their seed in the fall during a period of low prices and are thus

averaging greater net returns. Undoubtedly, more of our farmers

will join the Assciation when its functions are clearly under-


                         MIS CELIANE OUS

                    Grasshopper Control Program

     During 1939, the County was again organized on a township

basis for grasshopper control, township committeemen being

appointed by the Town Chairmen. One County-wide meeting of these

committeemen was held to establish procedure in mixing poison

bait, allotting to farmers, records, etc. However, due to the

continued rains in the month of June, very little poison was

necessary to protect the crops. There were abundant hatches of

young grasshoppers during the latter part of the season, which

means that a control program must be in effect in 1940. Due to

a Federal Emergency Appropriation, in all probability the County

will be allotted sufficient poison to take care of its needu for

the next year.