

            By Miss Mildred Olson, Home Agent

                     1939 4-H Club Work

     There were 28 4-H clubs in Bayfield County with an enroll-

ment of 433 members. Forty-three adult leaders and twelve Junior

leaders were instrumental in carrying on the work. The projects

carried this year included Dairy, Beef, Bee, Clothing, colt, corn,

Food Preservation, Foods and Nutrition, Forestry, Garden, Handi-

craft, Small Furnishings, Home Grounds Beautification, Home

Service, Pig, JunLor Readership, potato, Poultry, Ducks, Sheep,

Turkeys, and Fish Conservation.

     It was noti ed that there was approximately a 30% increase

in the number of members who exhibited at the County Fair this

year and the quality of work showed progress also,

     4-H club members had the privilege of attending either the

Tri-County Camp at Lake Nebagamon or the Lake Galilee Camp near

Mellen, The twenty-five who attended from this county reported

an enjoyable as well as instructive experience.

     Ninety-five club members participated in the contests held

on Rally Day, and as a result, five members were awarded tripe

to the State Fair. There were Agricultural and Home Economics

demonstration contests, Agricultural judging contests, Home

Economics judging contests, Dress Revue and Dairy Queen contests.

The winners enjoyed a week at Milwaukee State Fair,

     Practically all the boys and girls of club age were given

an insight of 4-H club work as a result of a County-wide tour

of schools made by the Home Agent during last December and the

early winter months. Helps were given in the organization of

new clubs by the County Agricultural Agent and Home Agent.