Moderato.                                            German.
1. There'smu-sic in the iidnightbreeze,There's music in the morn;
2. The winds that sweep the mountain-top Their joyous echoes bear;
3. The heart, too, has its mel - o - dies, A con - se-crat - ed spring,
The day-beam and the ger - tie eve, Sweet sounds have ever borne:
Young Zephyrs on the streamlet play,And make sweet music there;
From which mysterious voic - es flow, And songs of gladness ring.
Thie val-ley hath its welcomie notes, The grove its tuneful throng,
With rustl ing sound the for-est leaves Bend to the pass-ing breeze;
Why Nature's mu-sic-but that man May join the myriad throng
-  a -   -        --         -f6 __
And 0-cean's mighty caves resound With Nature's endless song.
And pleasant is the bus - y hum Of flow-er seek-ing bees.
Of all her glorious works in one Har-mo-nious burst of song-.
4o--c       -