Andlantino.                                            French.
1. Are we sow - ing seeds of kindness? They shall blossom bright ere
2. We can nev - er  be too care- fl Whatthe seed our hinds shall
long.    Are we sow - ing seeds of    dis - cordThey shall
sow;     Love for love   is  sure to   rip - en. Hate for
rip - en   in -to  wrong.     Are we sow - ing seeds of
hate is   sure to grow.      Seeds of good    or   ill we
hon - or! They shall bring forth gold-en grain.   Are we
seat - ter Heed-less - ly  a - long our way       But   a
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sow - ing seeds of falsehood? We shall yet reap bit-ter pain.
glad or grievous fruit-age Waits us at  the harvest day.
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