SUNDAY SCHOOL SERVICE.                   57
3. Responses.
Let us strive earnestly to be faithful in all things.
He that is faithful in that which is least
Is faithful also in much,
And he that is unjust in the least
Is unjust also in much.                   [Jesus, Le. xvi.
If we are to live unto God at any time or in any place,
We are to live unto him at all times and in all places:
If we are to use anything as the gift of God,
We are to use everything as his gift:
If we are to do anything by strict rules of reason and piety,
We are to do everything in the same manner.
Because reason and wisdom and piety are as much the best things at
all times and in all places,
As they are the best things at any time or in any place.
[William Law.]
Therefore, what matter if no one heed us or praise us,
Let us work faithfully with hand and heart,
Because we know the future ages need us,
And we must help our time to take its stand.
However things may seem, no evil thing is success
And no good thing is failure:
For God stands in all shadows
And keeps watch above his own.
0 praise the  ye his people: And all that praise his
Lord, all            is within us, pi    ioly  nanw.
He is One God  mighty t mer- Give praise
and Father, Al- I  and ciful   to him  song and ho-I psah.
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