For the dark of silent gorges
Whence mighty cedars nod;
For the majesty of mountains,
We thank thee, 0 our God!
For the hidden scroll o'erwritten
With oiie dear name adored;
For the heavenly in the human;
The Spirit in the word;
For the tokens of thy presence
Within, above, abroad;
For thine own great gift of Being,
We thank thee, 0 our God!                          tAnon.1
Who is the great Name, that our lips may praise him?
The great Name is God.
It is lie that maketh all things:
But he himself is more excellent than all which he bath made
They are beautiful,
But he is Beauty:
They are strong,
But he is Strength:
They are perfect,
But he is Perfection.                           [Barbauld.j
1. Prayer.
Let us search and try our ways, and turn unto the Lord. [Tai. iii
Thin l  school will stand.
Heavenly Father, we live in thee. It is thy providence which rules
over the summer and the winter, the spring and the autumn. beautifying
the various and fourfold year. The darkness and the light erboth alike
to thee. We work by thy strength, we sleep in thy care; and when we
are awake we are still with thee. We praise th e, we bless thee, we
worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory.
Then all will read in unison.
Blessed be thou, Father of all Mercy, who continuest to pour thy ben-
ofits upon us. Thou hast given us the blessings of this life, and of im-
mortal being. 0 Lord, thy blessings hang in clusters, they come troop-
ing upon us! They break forth like mighty waters on every side. 0
make thy goodness health and strength unto us, that we may be thank-
fid, dutiful and holy. Amen.