Wednedsay, April 16, 1862
At 4th St. Hospital making out reports. Saw Sr. Col. _____ and Sady at Planters
Hotel. He was wounded by a fragment of a shell at Shiloh or Pittsbergh. Life
saved by steal vest.

Thursday 17
Finished report A.M. at Barrackes.
P.M. went to city pd over p____ $288.55 to Maj. J.A. Cunninham U.S. Pay master
under Col. Andrews and made report to Genrl Schofield. Kept duplicate. Stopped
at Planter Hotel over night.

Friday 18
Return to Barracks 10 a.m.
U.C. Eddy fired 1-      16 2/3
Chester H. Smith died, E______