Resolutions of Ripon Lodge No.99 F and AM.
1. In the providence of the Supreme Architect of the Universe Henry S. Eggleston
a member of this lodge has been called from the labor of earth to the refreshments
of heaven.
2. In his death we have lost a brother beloved the community a citizen universally
esteemed and respected the church a zealous and devoted Christiam, his country
a soldier partiotic, brave and true; his family a kind and indulgent husband
and father; and humanity a friendly heart and a open hand.
3. We are admonished by this dispensation of Providenve of the incertainty
of life and necessity of preparing for the great change that our brother
has realized and must sooner or later visit each of us. Let us then be prepared
as he was prepared for that great event. Let us emulate his virtues, his
fidelity to the great trusts with which God had charged him that we may recieve
the rewards which we believe he has recieved of a good and faithful sevant.
4. We pledge to the deeply afflicted family of the deceased our tenderest
sympathy in their great trouble trusting tht they may find consolidation
in the rememberance of his Christian virtues and the heritage of an honored
5. As a testimony of repect for our departed brother we will cover our emblems
with mourning and wear the usual mourning for 30 days.
Lodge Hall Jan 5th 1863
C.B. Staples, Sec'y.