as to time).  I arrived at the ferry at 2 oclock P. M. having a train of
27 Majors, and about 130 men sick + were beside aboutiou contraband horns
+ hunts, and it is very questionable whether I would have had time to crop
that P.M. if I had commissioned the camped about 1/2 mile from the Rive,
+ detailed 24 men for pickets + camp guard, besides the horse guard.  About
daylight the next morning (Sunday the 3d Aug.) we were attacked by 600 Texan
Rangers, under command of Col. W. H. Parsons, and after a severe fight of
about 30 minutes, were obliged (the few of us remaining), to fall back into
the woods, and leave the camp in possession of the enemy.  They took 7 Majors,
all the horses + mules, and burned + destroyed every thing of value, not
taken.  We had 11 killed (3 have died since, making 14 in all), 40 wounded,
and about 25 taken prisoners.  The party that escaped to the woods, came
in, some at the old camp near the Ferry, some at Marianna, and a few st____
across to the Mipissippi and followed down to Helena.  After the dead were
buried + the wounded cared for, I commenced moving them across the ferry,
and by noon of the next day, the wounded, together with the bal. of the camp
(what little then was left of it) were in camp at Marianna.  Here the wounded
men put on board the steamer "Hamilton Belle", together with a
part of the sick, then in camp, and taken to Helena under my charge, the
effective men, left of my command, having been p[reviously, temporarily assigned
to the 1st and 3d Batts, Lt. Col. Sa Grange, accompanied by Maj. Torny with
about 200 men came promptly to our our relief as soon as news reached them
of the attack, but the enemy had fled.  [I should be doing injustice to the
brave boys under my command, were I to close this report, without making
special mention of their gallant conduct, during this servere and unequal
engagement.  Although exposed upon all sides for half an hour, to a most
murderous fire, from six times their