Friday, April 4, 1862
Hobbs transferred to Co. I
Porter    "       "  "   B
"Fox" brought up to camp

Saturday 5

Sunday 6
Heard Rev. Mr. Dunmore preach A.M.
Battle at Pittsbergh Term.Monday, April 1, 1862
__ Leavitt ____ 1-1-
Consaul do 1-
Battle at Pittsbergh Term.
Rebels B___yard-Johnston

Tuesday 8
Wrote A.Pickett

Wednesday 9
H. Knowlton dies at the ____ at Burton Barracks, St. Louis, 8 a.m.
Company B. presented me a hat and sash. (14 and 10)
Kind all wishes, in case of his death to have his remains sent home to Fond
du Lac- ______________