On the morning of the 16th of July, the 1st and 3rd Batt. moved from Seyar
Creek to Wittsberg, leaving my Batt. (about 150 strong) in camp alone. We
remained here until rhw 19th occupying the time in shoeing our horses, fo_____
for our horses and for the _____ (who came into camp in large numbers) and
in patroling the country for a distance of 10 or 12 miles about camp. On
the 18th, I recieved orders from the Col. to move, the next day, to Wittsburg,
leaving trails, extra cooking utensils and all other articles of no particular
present value,____. We moved from Soyar Creek on the morning of the 19th
and arrived at Wittsburgh at about 2 p.m. of the same day. We were obliged
to prep a few teams at Soyar Creek and along the road to convey our sick.
One of whom (Hon. J. Horton of Squadron J) we were obliged to leave 6 miles
from Wittsberg, he being unable to ride further. We found upon arriving at
Wittsburg that the 1st and 3rd Batts (with the exception of Squadron G) had
moved forward 20 milea to Mdison. This last named squadron, moved out to
join the advance, immediately after our arrival. Here at once commenced enrolling
and organizing our black brigade which had by this time become numerous;
As soon as the rolls were completed. I assigned to them seperate quarters.
Provided for stated roll calls and appointed _r. Mr. Hoay, overseer of this
part of the encampment. On Wednesday the 23rd finding that it would soon
be impossible to foraje for the immense numbers that were flocking into our
camp daily and observing that quite a proportion were women and children
who could be of no use to us whatever. I issued an order that "no more
women, or children under 15 years of age, should be admitted within our lines."
We remained in camp at this point 9 days, forajing, scourning the country
in all direction for 15 or 20 miles; arresting and examining suspected characters;
siezing contraband property and ____. At this camp we lost two