of our men.  Pasco of Squadron E drowned.  and Moore of Squadron F, who died
in hospital.  On the 28th I recd orders from the Col. to move forward on
the next day to Madison, and from there to the Sanguilla Ferry, when a guide
would be left to direct us on.  The order further stated that "there
was no haste. March slowly", I accordingly started on the morn. of the
29th, moved out 12 miles + halted to feed.  Here a courier came in from Madison
with dispatches from the Col. ordering me "to send back to Chask Bluffs,
a Lirsch + 20 men, to pick up + take through, the sick left along the road
+ also to carry dispatches".  I immediately detailed Lirsch Porter with
20 men from Squadron I and sent them back as directed. (This detachment I
have since learned were attacked by superior numbers and routed at Jonesboro
on Saturday the 2nd Aug.  Five of the number have reported back to camp.
 The bal. are still missing.)  Upon arriving at Madison, I found the Col.
who ordered us into camp at that place.  (the 1st + 3rd Batts having moved
forward to Marianna.  The COl. remained here with us until Thursday the 31st.
when he left on the "Carl" for Helessa, leaving with me. verbal
orders, to move on slowly, to Marianna, as soon as the roads should be in
good condition.  The next afternoon I moved the wagons to the top of the
hills south of Madison on the Marianna road + detailed Squadron B as Fraierguard.
 The next morn. (Saturday Aug 2d) I moved my command forward towards Marianna.
 After proceeding about 2 miles, I met a courier with orders fom the Sp.
Col, "not to crop my command over the Sanguilla Ferry, without the most
positive orders from the Col, as we would possibly be sent back up the ridge".
 I according decided to camp on the North bank of the Sanjuille and await
further orders. (as my orders from the Col. were somewhat indefinate