On the death of Maj. H. S. Eggleston Ripon June 6, 1863. Mr. Editor- with
this I hand you a copy of General Order No. 14 issued to his regiment by
Col. O. H. La Grange and resolutions passed by Ripon Lodge F and A. M. with
the request that you publish them.  The subject of these papers was eminently
worthy of this notice.  Among the noble men who in the progress of war sprang
to arms in defence of the Constitution there was none nobler than Maj. H.
S. Eggleston of the First Wisconsin Cavalry.  His was a rare character. 
In every relations in life he was a man.  As a citizen he had not I think
an enemy; he certainly deserved none.  As a soldier he was faithful, accomplished
and brave, equally beloved and respected by officers and men.  In the dearer
relations of the Church and hom he evinced those excellences of head and
heart which so eminently distinguished him.  He was so steadfast in his principles
that he might be throw in contact with bad men without contamination, making
them better by asociation while good men were fortified in virtue and made
stronger by his exemplary life.  If we who know him only as a citizen and
friend feel so keenly our loss in his death, who but he who made us can tell
the measure of the grief whose bitter waves have pased over his wife and
children.  none but he can apply a styptic to the bleeding hearts that cluster
beneath the shattered roof-tree of that stricken home. "The hand of
the reaper takes the ears that are heavy but the voice of the weeper weils
manhood in glory."