POWER .a. .



ATOMIC POWER-Allis-Chalmers model of Argonne National Laboratory's ex-
perimental boiling water reactor power plant. Allis-Chalmers is supplying
equipment for the power cycle: generation, heat transfer, transmission, controls.

    GO with the company

    that's strong in all three!
Hitch your future in engineering to the growth of the U. S. A.-
and to a company that supplies the basic needs of growth!
  This nation is growing at the rate of 50,000 people every
week! To supply the needs of these people:
   Electric power generation will double by 1965.
   A multi-billion dollar program of new highway construction
   is planned within the next ten years.
   Manufacturing output will have to increase by $3.5 billion by
   this time next year.
And Allis-Chalmers builds major equipment for all of these
growth industries! Some examples are pictured here.
Here's what Allis-Chalmers offers to Young Engineers:
A graduate training course that has been a model for industry
since 1904. You have access to many fields of engineering:
electric power, hydraulics, atomic energy, ore processing.
  There are many kinds of work to try: design engineering,
application, research, manufacturing, sales. Over 90 training
stations are available, with expert guidance when you want it.
Your future is as big as your ability can make it.
  Or, if you have decided your field of interest and are well
qualified, opportunities exist for direct assignments on our
engineering staff.
  In any case-learn more about Allis-Chalmers. Ask the A-C
manager in your territory, or write direct to Allis-Chalmers,
Graduate Training Section, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin.

CONSTRUCTION demands the vasttonnages
of cement produced with Allis-Chalmers rotary
kilns and other processing machinery.

MANUFACTURING depends upon the reli-
able power of electric motors-like these 5000
hp Allis-Chalmers giants powering a rolling mill.



