262                   AMERICAN     CENTRAL INS. CO.
Interest accrued on mortgages .................           $433 70
Interest accrued on bonds ................... ..        22,756 82
Interest accrued on collateral loan. .s. ................  875 00
Total .                         .....                         24,065 52
MIarket value of bonds and stocks over book value.61,719 09
Gross  assets  ............   ..................................  $5,881,685
Agents' lalances representing business written prior
to  October  1, 1912  ...........   .....................  $13,0107  62
Book value of ledger assets over market value          319,398 46
332,406 08
Total admitted assets ..........    ........................... $5,549,279
Gross losses adjusted and unpaid. not yet due ......   $71,719 87
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspense, plus $275,800.30: reserve for losses in-
curred prior to Decebmer 31, of N-which no notice
had been received on that date, $37,110.S2 .......   312,911 12
Gross claims for losses resisted ......   ..............  14,800 00
Total ......................................  $399,430 99
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued ......   ............  107,100 67
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims .....      ............... $292,330
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks running one
year or less from date of policy, incleding interest
premiums on perpetual fire risks, $1,724,040.51, pn-
earned premiums (fifty per cent) .....    ............  $862,020 25
Gross premiums    (less reinsurance)  received  and
receivable upon all unexpired fire risks running
more than one year from date of policy, $3,449,181.-
30: iuearned premiums (pro rata) .....     .......... 1,838,863 85
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) (cash and bills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired inland
navigation  risks, $2,114.68; unearned  premiums
(fifty  per  cent)  ........... .......................  1,057  34
Gross premiums (less reinsurance) (cashi and hills)
received and receivable upon all unexpired marine
risks, $98.61; unearned premiums (100 per cent) ..        98 61
Total unearned premiums as computed above ............ 2,702,040 05
Dividends declared and unnaid to stockholders .....     .............   868
Salaries, rents, expenses, bills. accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued  3,549
Estimated ainount hereafter payable for federal, state and other
taxes based upon business of the year of this statement ......     35,006
Commissions, brokerage and other charges due or to become due
to agents and biokers .............   ...............................  105,215
Total amount of all liabilities except capital .$3,139,004 06
Capital actually paid lip in cash ................... $2,000,000 0o
Surplus over all liabilities ..........................  410,275 13
Surplus as regard policyholders .......      ...........................
2,410,275 13
Total liabilities ....-..................................... $5,549,279 19