premiums. to be charged and collected by fire insurance com-
panies transacting business in this state. As soon as practica.-
ble after this Act shall take effect, the state fire insurance com-
mission shall begin the work of fixing and determining and
promulgatiug the rates of pretniums to be charged and col-
lected by fire insurance companies, throughout the state, and
the making and adoption of its schedules of such rates, and
then until such time as this work shall have been fully com-
pleted, said commission shall have full power and authority
to adopt and continue in force the rates of premiums which
may be lawfully charged and collected when this Act shall
take effect, or any portion thereof, for such time as it may
prescribe or until the work of mlaking such schedules for the
entire state shall be completed. Said commission shall also
have authority to alter or amend any and all such rates of pre-
mnium so fixed and determined and adopted by it, and to raise
or lower the sane, or any part thereof, as herein provided.
Said commission shall also have authority to employ clerical
help, inspectors, experts and other assistants, and to incur
seUlch other cxpenscs as may be necessary in carrying out the
i)rovisions of this Act; provided that such expenses, including
the salaries of members of the commission, shall not exceed in
the aggregate the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,-
000.00) per annum.
Section 13. The rates of prelniumis fixed by said commission
under and in pursuance of the provisions of this Act shall be at
all tines reasonable and the schedules thereof made and pro-
mulgatced l)y sai(l commiission as herein provided, shall be in
such forin as will in the judgment of the commission, most
clearly and definitely and in detail disclose the rate so fixed
an(l (lctermimed by said comn-mission to be eharged and col-
lected for policies of fire insurance. Said commission may em-
ploy and use any facts and information now in the possession
of the present state insurance board, as well as all facts obtain-
able from and concerning fire insurance companies transacting
business in this state, showing their expense and charges for
fire insuranec premiums, for any period or periods, said com-