TABLE     I.-hTcome.-Decermber 31st, 1912.-
Name of ComPany.                         Dec. il,    1.
Fire.             Marine.
(2)               (31)                (52)
Concordia .......... ...........................         $2,01,804 16   
   $1,786,536 42   ..................
Milwaukee German .............        ................     331,654 55   
       74,120 74   ..................
Milwaukee    Mechanics     ..........   ...............  4,482,832 66   
    2,824,363 41   ..................
Northwestern National .........         ...............  6,311,018 25   
    3,123,241 07   ..................
United American      ...............  ................      231,157 56  
       97,853 29   ..................
Total ......................................     $13,366,467 18       $7,06,114
93    ..................

Stock FPire Companies

Aetna    ........................................        $20,533,843 34
Agricultural., *vv@-ΒΆΒΆ@*+----@--@-v@@@@e-6ED               3,996,144
Allemannia     ................................... .       1,580,704 09
American    Central.................................       5,561,172 78
American Druggists ..............................            319,635 49
American Fire        ..................................    9,436,395 81
American Union .................................           1,113,675 58
Boston .......................................             6,252,8 69
Buffalo   Commercial ...........................             691,167 74
Buffalo German .................................           2,566,809 02

California    ......................................
Calumet     ........................................
Camden     ..........................................
Central National ...............................
Citizens .........................................
City   of New    York.............................
Colonial Assurance ...............             .
Columbia     .......................................
Commerce      ......................................
Commerci al Union       .............................
Commonwealth        .....................
Connecticut     ........................
Continental     ..................................
County     .......................................
Detroit F. &     M.................................
Dubuque F. &       M....................
Equitable F. & M....................
Federal    .........................................
Federal Union ..................................
Fidelity-Phenix     .................................
Fire Association     ...............................
Fireman's Fund      ................................
Firemen's    ........................
Franklin    ........................................
German Alliance      ..............................
German American, N. Y........................
German American, Pa ..........................
German     Fire, Ill...............................
German Fire, Pa................................
German Fire, W. Va............................

1,321,319 07
793,432 45
2,661,465 98
819,399 78
876,583 14
1,543,968 95
369,044 41
904,056 72
717,160 56
933,781 42
2,557,075 36
7,460,137 76
25,50, 123 44
1,145,012 28
2,113,582 43
1,329,865 68
1,176,832 42
3,147,045 77
199,931 06
14,333,309 91
8,876,407 46
8,612,788 39
5,549,803 65
3,399,288 48
1,849,840 95
20,794,977 69
708,226 92
739,954 53
1,060,651 16
671,555 74

$10,897,136 61      $2,637,083 46
2,633,554 65   ................. ..
1,099,406 94   ..................
4,719,757 75          11,199 64
103,024  09  ..............'
5,581,257 76          44,086 05
2,124,464 01   ..................
2,509,931 64       2,142,212 21
386,408 76   ..................
842,668 08   ..................
1,107,896 25   .....       .
745,517 48   ..................
2,176,461 01   .................
703,14'7 17  ..................
2!,085,333 01         10,313 64
1,178,130 74   ..................
154,724 70   ..................
........... ........  ,, 998,147 89
358s,710 31  ..................
730,514 96   ..................
1,440,066 26   ..................
4,987,998 40           !
10.356,023 54         285,937 16
619,963 32           1
910,135 92          23,385 47

957,808 60
1,061,275 18
........ .........
87,813 13
8,324,178 97
5,878,230 00
5,088,956 79
4,276,908 44
1,879,343 99
8,321,1584 52
14,096,453 94
422,181 61
801,234 50
818,735 48
408,115 79

33.836 78
3,726,474 82
77,272 09
229,557 00
3,    154 09
................ .....*