panies incorporated or unincorporated under the laws of this
state and carried on (or) by the members thereof solely for
the protection of their property and not for profit; nor to
p)urely cooperative interinsurance and reciprocal exchange car-
ried on by the members thereof solely for the protection of
their property and not for profit; nor to companies, societies or
associations organized under the authority and patronage of
any church or religious denomination for the exclusive pur-
pose of insuring the property of churches or religious denom-
inations and the personal property of the pastors and minis-
ters thereof against loss or damage by fire, lightning or storm.
(Chap. 5, Laws of 1912.)
I               TLOUISIANA
See. 2. *     * there is hereby created a board to be
known as the State Insurance Rating Board, which shall be
composed of the Fire Marshal of the State of Louisiana, who,
in addition to his duties now imposed by law, shall act as
secretary thereof, and two other members, who shall be citi-
zens of this State, to be appointed by the Governor, one of
whom shall be chairman of theI Board, * * *
Sec. 3. Every insuraince company issuing policies of fire,
tornado or windstorm insurance on property located in this
state shall, not later than March 1st, 1911, file with the secre-
tary of said Board, general basis schedules showing the rates-
of premiums on all classes of risks insurable by such com-
pany in this State, and all charges, credits, terms, privi-
leges, and conditions which in anywise affect such rates or
the value of the insurance on policies issued to the insured,
together with the rate of commission paid to all agents, brok-
ers, or other representatives in this State, and any one or
more of such companies may employ for the making of such
schedules atid rates and the filing of same, the services of