324                         CAMDEN     FIRE INS. CO.
Investment   expenses    incurred   and|
paid during the year .        .............l...............  4.428 241.
Investment losses and expenses dur-c
the year .........................      7            .             1    
5,563 18
G'ain  from  investments   during   the!                            I
year                                                           . ..............
 ....... ..............  $119,395   66
MISCELLANEOUS EXHIBIT.              I             I   Gain In       Loss
I          ยง~~~ Surplus.  I  Surplus.
Dividends   declared   to  stockholders               l              l
during the year ..............           ... * .......... ..............I
 $60,000 00
Interest paid stockholders during the
year ............................... ..............     ...........     
6,975 42
Increase in special reserves ..   .    ...      ..      ......      I   
 10,000 00
Cash increase to surplus ....       ..     0.,000 0-......... ..00...
Net gain from   above ..............................1      $23,024 581!.........
Total gains and     losses in   surplus|              l
during the year         .        ...... .............. 1  $142,420 241  $72,581
Surplus Dec. 31, 1911 ........******-*.    $679,208 11! ............... 
Surplus Dec. 31. 1912 ...........    .1     749,046 96!..............  ..
f      _   ~      ~~I     I
Increase in surplus during the year ............I                       
 69,838 85
Totals   .....................................     $i2424         $1X204
Totals                             I ~~~~~~~~~~$U12,420 241  $142,420 24
Per cent of losses incurred to premiums earned .62.
Per cent of underwriting expenses incurred to premiums earned 43.6.
Per cent of investment expenses incurred to interest and rents earned 3.6.
Per cent of total losses and expenses incurred and dividends declared to
total income earned 101.4.