UNITED STATES FIRE INS. CO.                         845
Other disbursements:
Sundry expenses ....................................     $305 45
Premiums on surety bonds ..........   .............       250 00
555 45
Paid stockholders for Interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) .    .................................................... 
28,000 00
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Bonds ........         
247 50
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Stocks ..........................................................      101
Total disbursements ..........      ...............................  $556,242
Balance .......                                       . $1.157,016 35
Mortgage loans on real estate. first liens .    ........  $51,000 00
Book value of bonds, $420,751.90, and stocks, $503,-
714.85 .............  .............................   924,466 75
Cash in company's office .    ..............  $297 53
Deposit in trust companies and banks
not on interest .......                      10 00
Deposit in trust companies and banks
on Interest ......5 ....................  52,224 13
52,531 66
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .......   ..................  129,017 94
Total ledger assets .$1,157,016 35.
Tnterest acerued on mortzages .......    ................  $777 92
Interest scerved on bonds .......     ....................  3,066 21
Intel-eqt aecruped on Merchants' Exchange National
Bank deposit ..............   ........................     33 85
Total ........................................................   3,878 01
Gross assets .   ........................................... 1,160,894 36
Book value of ledger assets over market value .....      .............. 
50.466 75
Total admitted assets .........      .............................. $1,110.427
s-ross loqses adjusted and unpaid. not yet due   ......  $7,879 05
Gross elaimq for losses in nrocess of adjustment, or
in sulsnense. alus $7.50.00; reserve for losses In-
curred Prior to December 21. of which no notice
had been received on that date ......   ...............  36,386 95
Gross claims for losses resisted ......  ................  1,0(00 00
Totsl ....      ..    ......................      $4.,766 00
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued ......    ............  3,539 62
Net amount nf unpaid losses and elainis .....     ...............  $42,226
Grosq n-eminms (less reinsuralnce) received and re-
ceiv~able _nnon all unexpired fire risks runnine one                    
Year or less from date of poliev. ineliilin! interest
nrorn-ims oin nernptival flre risks, $425,489.57-; un-
enrned premiums (fiftv ner cent) ..................  $212,744 79
Gross nre-miums, (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable union all unexpired filre riskq ruinlnz more
than one year from date of policy, $266,991.f8; ian-
earned premiums (pro rata).                           1.,484 39
Total unearned premAiunms gom cornputed ptoe ..t.%,,..2.,      SQ,229 la