CALIFORNIA     INS. CO.                           307
Advertising, $2,942.59; printing and stationery, $9,119.78 ....  ...... 
 12,062 37
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .....         ..................
 5,121 21
Legal expenses ...............      .....................................
   621 81
Furniture and fixtures ..............      ...............................
 1,196 41
Maps, including corrections .........................                   
  3,934 70
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations .....        ................
 8,511 88
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessment, fees,
taxes and edpenses ..........       ....................................
 3,887 02
Inspections and surveys .........         .................................
 3,899 99
Repairs. and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate ....     ...... 
  2,200 89
Taxes on real estate ..................                                 
    507 So
State taxes oin premiums .......           ................................
 11,614 86
Insurance department licenses and fees ......          ....................
 9,224 39
All other licenses. fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......      ....................   $935 85
State corporation taxes .......     .....................  2,082 86
3,018 71
Other disbursements:
Auditing ......                                             $478 00
Investment expenses . .      .............................  4,698 12
Miscellaneous expenses ........      ....................    263 21
Paid stockholders for dividends (amount declared)           60,000 00
Interest paid bank .........      .......................    324 33
65,763 66
Agents' balances charged off ........         .............................
 1,236 24
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz.: Bonds      ..... 
     30 00
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets.
viz.: Furniture and fixtures .......     ................  $5,000 00
Atlanta Birmingham, balance charged off        ........    1,137 53
Bonds   ..............................................     3, 866  67
Stocks .............................................         193 75
10,197 95
Total disbursements ...........      ..............................  -$617,184
Balance ....                       .                      $1,277,656 45
Book value of real estate .$100,000 00
Mortgage loans oil real estate, first liens.               340,000 00
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral.          ......                               47,000 00
Book value of bonds, $432,618.00, and stocks, $80,872.50   513,490 50
Cash in company's office .     ..............  $4,126 08
Deposlits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........:   .............   18,096 14
Deposilts in trust companies and banks
on interest ..........   ................   61,900 06
---          ~~~84,122 27
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 ......       ...................  167,655 14
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 .........     ........................  0,459 46
Bills receivable. taken for fire risks .....   ............    357 50
Other ledger as-sets, viz.:
Taxes paid in advance New York and New Jersey             1,500 00
Maps   ...............................................    13,755 17
Furniture and fixtures ........      ....................    493 99
Due from   Michigan Clommercial Insurance Co.....            822 42
Total ledger assets.                                             $1,277,656
Interest accrued on mortgages ......        ...............  $1,343 88
Interest accrued on bonds .......       ...................  7,967 50
Tnterest accrued on collateral loans ......     ..........     247 50
Interest accrued on other assets: Banks           ........     435 50
Total ........................................................       9,904
Gross assets ........................................... $1,287,650 83