$130,330.48, leaving a balance in the form  of cash securities or
subscribers' debit balances amounting      to  $603,851.05.  Tlhe
esh assets were verified and the amounts deposited in the various
banks are as follows:
First National of Kansas City, Mo .....................  $15,956.08
Fidelity Trust Company, Kansas City, Mo ..............  24,931.17
State Bank, Kansas City, Mo ..........................  11,140.45
Southwest National Bank, Kansas City, Mo .............     287.45
New England National Bank, Kansas City, Mo ..........   11,989.01
Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo .................   15,219.38
National Bank of Commerce ..........         .......     6,349.04
Fidelity Trust Company, Kansas City, Mo.23,070.51
Southwest National Bank .............................   22,548.21
Southwest National Bank ........... ..................  17,927.82
Fidelity Trust Co .....................................  7,193.31
New England National Bank .......    ...................  25,161.49
National Bank of Commerce .......    ....................  13,983.66
Total bank balance as shown by bank books ......  $195,757.58
Balances shown by books of exchange ..................  167,642.51
Check outstanding ........    .....................  $28,115.07

Outstanding Checks
New England National Bank ......     ....................  $7,207.25
Southwest National Bank of Commerce ................     8,231.60
Southwest National Bank of Commerce ......              11,714.71
Southwest National Bank of Commerce, advisory com-
mittee account ................                        404.06
Fidelity Trust Co.....................................     426.44
Fidelity Trust Co .......    .........       ,             131.01

The aymount of losses paid subscribers was $22,673.80.    The
estimated amount of unpaid claims in process of adjustment was
$25,967. A list of these unpaid losses is as follows:
Consumers Ice & Cold Storage Co., Lexington, Ky ......    $150.00
North State Ice Company, Rocky Mount, N. C ..........    2,500.00
Bennett H. Onken, Peoria, Illinois .....................    25.00
Fritz Messerer, Honey Grove, Texas ....................     50.00
Spalding Steam Laundry, Louisville, Kentucky ..........     25.00
Crystal Ice Company, Richmond, Virginia ..............      25.00
Purity Brewing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota ......       10.00
Sillsbee Ice & Manufacturing Co., Sillsbee, Texas .......  14,457.00
Bronx Consumers Ice Company, New York, N. Y ........        25.00
Terminal Ice & Power Company, Kansas City, Mo ......       500.00
Troy & Monticello Laundry Company, Norfolk, Va ......    2,000.00
Estate of Elizabeth Feickert, Belleville, Ill .............  100.00
George M. & M. J. Gloyd, Cleveland, Ohio ...............   300.00
Dayton Breweries Company, Dayton, Ohio ..............      800.00
Nolen Laundry Company, Sioux City, Iowa ............     5,000.00