LUMBER UNDERWRITERS.                                1253
UNDERWRITING EXHIBIT.                                              1
Premiums.                 I              I              1
Total premiums ................ .....        $244,905 711  ......... .
Add unpaid     return  and  reinsurance!                I              l
premiums Dec. 31 of previous year..!         5,346 67! .........      I
Total ...............I............    $250,252 38! ........    .    .   
Deduct unpaid return and reinsurancel
premiums Dec. 31, end of the year..l         1,919 651 .
Balance ........           .        1 $248,332 731 .1
Add unearned     premiums Dec. 31 of!                   I
previous year .......................      118,830 01. .              .
Total ...........................     $367,162 74 .
Deduct unearned premiums Dec. 31,1
end of the year ....................       123,135 981 .............. . .............
Premiums earned during the year        .     .!........    $244,026 76.
LOSS ITEMS.                 I
* I              I
Loss from agents' balances charged
off. $918.85, and from   other under-!                I
writing disbursements. $9,983.35 ....!     $10,902 201 ........       I
Agents' balances and bills,
receivable not admitted               I
Dec. 31, 1911 ............    $2,834 761 .......       -    .........----1---..------
Agents' balances and bills
receivable not admitted
Dec. 31, end of the year.       156 83! .................. ..............
Gain from   above ..............               2,677 931 ............   .
Loss from    underwriting    profit andl
loss items ....... 1                                       8,224 271.
Underwriting    incomne earnied  duringl
the yenr....... ,     ,      1  ,         ,I...........
the year ......................                                       1 $235,802
Losses paid .........                    1  $151,495 331 ...........
Deduct salvage sanl reinsurance       re-I              I              I
coverable I)ec. 31, end of the year..!       4,378 27! .........      1
Balance ....I $147,117 01i                              ......... 06 -. ..........
Add salvage and reinsurance recover-I                   I
able Dec. 31 of previous year .......        1,170 471. .
Total ...........................     $148,287 531 .
Deduct unpaid losses Dec. 31 of previ-l       1
ous year           ...........              19,440 I   ......         ..............
Balance             .      .      .   $     128,847 531 ..........  ..............
Add unpaid losses Dec. 31 , end of the!
year .                                      23,149 00! ...     ... ..............
Losses  incurred  during  the  year ...... ..............  $1,51, 996  ..............I
L~osses inlcurred during, tlue year .    .       .       I............. $
 t151,996 53! .