
mission may deem advisable, which in their opinion will enable
them to devise and fix and determine reasonable rates of pre-
mium for fire insurance. The said commission in making and
publishing schedules of the rates fixed and determined by it
shall show all charges, credits, terms, privileges and conditions
which in any wise affect such rates, and copies of all such.
schedules shall be furnished by said commission to any and all
companies affected by this Act applying therefor, and the
same shall be furnished to any citizen of this state applying
therefor, upon the payment of the actual cost thereof. No
rate or rates fixed or determined by the commission shall take
effect until it shall have entered an order or orders fixing and
determining the same, and shall give notice thereof to all fire
insurance companies affected by this Act authorized to trans-
a-ct business in this state. It shall be the duty or the state
fire insurance commission, and of any inspector or other agent
or employe thereof, who shall inspect any risk for the purpose
of enabling the commission to fix and determine the reasonable
rate to be charged thereon, to furnish to the owner of such
risk at the date of such inspection, a copy of the inspection re-
port, showing all defects that may operate as charges to in-
crease the insurance rate. Said commission shall have full
power and authority to alter, amend, modify or change any
rate fixed and determined by it on thirty days notice, or to
prescribe that any such rate or rates shall be in effect for a
limited time, and such commission shall also have full power
and authority to prescribe reasonable rules whereby in cases
where no rate of premium shall have been fixed and deter-
mined by the commission, for certain risks or classes of risks,
policies may be written thereon at rates to be determined by
the company, provided, however, that such company or com-
panies shall immediately report to said commission such risk
so written and the rates collected therefor, and such rates shall
always be subject to review by the commission..
Section 14. Any fire insurance company or companies af-
fected by this Act shall have the right at any time to petition
the commission for an order changing or modifying any rate