Location, Sharp Building, Kansas City, Mo.
The Reciprocal Exchange, as the name indicates, is an inter-
insurer' association transacting the business of fire insurance
upon the reciprocal plan. The exchange is in reality a comn-
bination of several exchanges, each having its separate books
and records and dividing the savings pro rata among each class
of subscribers. There is an exchange for brewers, ice-manu-
facturers, laundrymen, bakers, and publishers. Thpe results,
however, from these several exchanges arei placed in a control-
ling ledger, so that it is possible to arrive at the financial stand-
ing of the exchange as a whole. The number of risks in force
May 31, 19,13, is as follows:
Brewers ..................................................  305
Ice Manufacturers .................................       958
Laundrymen, bakers, and publishers ...........................1 ,172
Total ............................... 2,435
Th6 business in force at the same time as shown by the fol-
lowing table:
Contracts in force December 31, 1912 ................ $27,040,274.00
Contracts written during 1913 ........ ................  12,795,765.00
Total .....                ................. $39,836,039.00
Deduct expirations  ............ ......................  10,879,875.00
Contracts in force May 31, 1913 ................ $28,956,164.00
aThe attorney-in-fact for the exchange is Mr. Bruce Dodson,
of Kansas City, Missouri. I-e is assisted, however, in his dti.
ties by an advisory committee of five members who have charge
of the funds of the subscribers and deposit them in banks or
invest them in securities. All disbursements of the subscrib-
ers' funds must be made by check which is countersigned by
the advisory committee or by some bank or trust company ap-
provedc by the committee.