820                  ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INS. CO.
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses ...................     76,249
Commissions or brokerage .......................................... 1,428,803
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses ....     
4,748 19
Salaries, $63,769.49, and expenses, $118,455.95 of special and general
agents .        ................................  ................      182,
225 44
Salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and   home office employes .... .................................   102,166
Leunts, including $12,0010 for company's occupancy of its own build-
iltS  .........................................................................
 12, 592   50
Advertising, $6,30a8.4; printing and stationery, $43,157.92 ........... 
49,466 37
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .........................    30,300
Legal expenses    ..................................................... 
14,422 72
fCurnituns  and fixtures         ..........................................
 2,461 25
Maps   inldn     corrections ....7,986 30
M aplIs,   includinlg   t        o rc ils...................................................
Underwriters' boards .taed tariff associations .   .......................
 16,863 32
11'ir4 department, htie patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ............     ................................... 
5,174 14
Inspections and surveys ............ ...............................   18,867
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate .............    5,208
T .,axes on real estate ................................................
 3,774 14
State taxes on premiums ...........    .................. ................
 114,017 88
Insurance department licenses and fees .............................   18,464
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ............................    $3,188 57
City licenses .8,095 36
City taxes .748 76
State and county licenses and taxes .6,077 11
1S, 109 so
Other disbursements ..          ......................................  
9,969 91
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing,- the   year)  ......................... ...........................
 100,000   0()
Decrease in liabilities during the year on account of reinsurance
treaties ..........................................................    1,925
Agents' balances charged oft         ......................            38,732
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Real estate ....................               ...      $3,000 00
Bonds ......................                             1,252 82
4,252 82
Total disbursements .....                                     $5,558,063
Balance .$8,893,781 35
Book value of real estate ........                     $270,280 71
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens, $567,305;
other than first, $4P0 ................................  567,705 00
Lotans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral .  ...........................................  150,000 00
Book vttlue of bonds, $6,484,766.51, -and stocks,
$239,573.30 ..............           ...........     6,724,339 81
Cash in company's office ................  $3,558 30
I)eposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ...........  ................  350,033 95
353,592 25
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to Oct. 1, 1912 ...........................  671,171 86
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 .......................................  6,250 26
Bills receivable, taken for marine and inland risks ..     4,305 16
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks ..................  102,935 64
Other ledger assets:
Century Fire Insurance Co., secured by $23,163.46
farm notes not due .........................12,718 66
Due from  reinsurance Co.'s for return premiums ...        290 59
Due from    reinsurance Co.'s on losses paid ............  30,191 41
Total ledger assets ........................................... $8,893,781.