NORTH    RIVER INS. CO.                           711
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .---------------------- $2 13
Municipal fees and taxes required by various states       6,2i6 34
6,278 47
Other disbursements:
Premiums on surety bonds .......       ..................  $463 50
Suppers .............................................     3,604 29
Cal' fare ...........................................       144 W:3
lee and water ..............   ........................     10X 03
Towels and soap ....                                        259 80
Examination by N. Y. Ins. IDept.6 13 71
5,194 15
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year, $35,000.00)        ..           .4, 830(1 0
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Bonds ... :                            .$3,291 25
Stocks .2,62T7 00
5,918 25
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets:
Stocks               .                 .146 67
Total disbursements .................. $1,728,708 38
Balance .$.................. .;'2,446,424 62

Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens ...........
Loans secured by pled(ge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral .......................................
Book   value  of   bonds,  $113,545.83,  and  stocks,
$779,241.92  .........................................
Deposits in trust companies and banks on interest..
Agents' balances representing business written sub-

$853,100 00
30,690 0()
892,757 75
281,459 44


uent to October 1, 1912 ....................   388,387 43
Total ledger assets .$......                          $2,446,424 62

interest accrued -on mortgages.......................
Interest accrued on bonds...........................
Interest accrued on collateral loans..................

$12,033 15
1,183 32
1-82 52

Total .................1 3, 39                                          
Market value of bonds and stocks over book value .................      
 17,128 25
Gross assets .........$2,--....---.....-----......----..... $--),476,951

Gross losses adjusted and unpaid, not yet dlue.......
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspense, plus $20,000.00 reserve for losses in-
iirr-cl nrior to Docember 21. of which no notice

$30,452 75

had been received on that date .....................   155,263 75
Gross claims for losses resisted .......................  18,968 5()
Total ..............         ....................  $204,685 00
Deduct reinsurance due o     r accrued ..................  76,495 82
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims.....................
Gross Tremiumus (less reinsurance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks running one
year or less from date of policy, including interest
premiums 'on perpetual fire risks, $1,155,488.13; un-
earned premiums (fifty per cent) .....     ............  $577,744 06
Gross premiums (less reinsorance) received and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks runninz more
than one year from date of policy, $1,556,107.78; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) ...     ,   ...........     839,660 31

$128,189 1S

Total unearned premiums, as computed above ................ 1,417,404 37