Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses....
Salaries, $183,721.01 and expenses, $118,528.58 of special and general
agents .......
Salaries, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes ...........................................
Rents, including $6,875 for company's occupancy of its own build-
ings ......................................
Advertising, $5,279.59; printing and stationery, $28,131.10..........
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express.........................
Legal expenses ....................................................
Furniture and fixtures .............................................
Maps, including corrections ..............................
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations .
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................................
Inspections and surveys ...........................................
Repairs and expeness (other than taxes) on real estate............
Taxes on real estate..
State taxes on premium.          ......................................
Insurance department licenses and fees............................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......     ....................  $3,367 80
Tax on capital .............   ........................  14,744 43
Municipal license tax .5,455 33
Filing annual statements ..........................        265 00
Other disbursements: Commission on purchase and sale of ' secu-
rities ..
Deposit premiums returnsd .     .......................................
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) ...................................................
Agents' balances charged off................
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Real estate ........................................    $2,377 23
Bonds   .............................................    7,276 48

10,656 56
302,249 59
171,420 46
17,783 86;
33,410 69
29,309 12
2,606 43
27,609 98
'15,614 13'
58,867 66'
12,696 56
18,885 60
.6,176 77
6,619 6&
96,063 92
36,299 41
23,832 56i
706 25
62,451 71
300,000 00
1,210 92

9,653 71
Total disbursements ..                                         ... $4,463,665
Balance   ................................................. $9,01, 027 54

Book value of real estate.......
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens......
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or oether
collateral ..........................................
Book value of bonds, $4,709,495.56, and stocks.
$252,375.97  ...............................
Cash in company's office ...............  $29,901 99
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........  ..............  94,027 33
Deposits in trust companies and banks
an inter          est . .........         ..... 7 62

$767,484 21
1,987,931 66
193,951 12
4,961,871 53

____ _--  483,326 94
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .......................        19,818 91
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ...................................       643 17
Total ledger assets ........................................    $9,015,027
Interest due, $10,266, and accrued, $29,221.73 on mort-
gages ................................                   $39,487 73
Interest due and accrued on bo nds ..................       71,569 10
Interest due, $550.09 and accrued, $51.62 on collateral
loans    .............................................. .    601 71
Interest due and accrued on other assets      .    ......    1,143 12
Rents due, $322.75, and accrued, $1,844.90 on com-
pany's property or lease        .        ..............    2,167 65
Total ....   .....................................................  114,969
Gross assets .     ............................................. $9,129,996