6            I DISBURSEMENTS.
Gross amount paid policyholders for losses (includ-
ing $1,115,342.80 occurring in previous years ..... $6,514,136 93
Deduct amount received for salvage, fire $84,944.43;
reinsurance, fire $1,751,116,86; discount, fire $1,590.11  1,837,651 40
Net amount paid policyholders for losses .......        ........... $4,676,485
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses ........       .......  
115,066 57
Commissions or brokerage            ......................... 1,560,933 77
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses..        
  1,401 13
Salaries $360,529.20, and expenses, $135,830.94 of special and gen-
eral agents .......................................................    496,360
Salaries, fees and all other charges, of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes .........................................     316,704
Rents, including $55,743.75 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings      ........................................................ 
77,475 34
Advertising, $21,420.51; printing and stationery, $65,140.91 ........   
 86,561 42
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express ..........   ..    ............
 70,161 20
Legal expenses        ....................................................
 7,857 95
Furniture and fixtures       ...................... ......................
 15,063 22
Maps, including corrections       ................... .....................
 23,632 08
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations ..........      ...........
 101,937 20
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses           .............................................
 45,999 18
Inspections and surveys        ..................... ......................
 66,639 37
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate      .   .       
 90,292 71
Taxes on real estate .....................................              
 31,551 46
State taxes on premiums ...       ................. .....................
 138,429 93
Insurance department licenses and fees ...........    ..    ............
 36,571 17
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Municipal, $22.522.89; county, $1,010.55.............     23,533 44
Municipal $22,522.89; county $1,010.55 .23,533 44

S2,125 89

Other disbursements:
Loan ....................: .. $1,500,000 00
Interest                       .                         8,346 27
Mercantile agency reports-speciti reports.              10.(067 79
Premium on business placed with other companies          7,875 47
Settlment of fire loss on company's building at
Rochester, N. Y .3,761 71
Miscellaneous office expenses .3,847 16
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends .......................
Agents' balances charged off ......................................
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger asset$:
Bonds ..............................................    $4,720 00
Stocks ..............................................    2,751 00

1,533,898 40
6oo,000 00
802 71

7,471 90
Total disbursements .                      i              $10,133,422 42
Balance ............$.... ;21,880,403 89
Book value of real estate ....       .$2,675,166 73
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens ..........     ,800 00
Book value of bonds, $9,216,426.01, and stocks,
$7,490,434.23 ........               '            16,706,860 24
Cash in company's office ..............   ... $1,257 14
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........  ..............  129,490 53
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ........... ...............  455,617 88
586,365 55
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 .1,756,171 81
Agents' balances, representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ...............                    32,039 56
Other ledger assets: Furniture, fixtures and safes..    15,000 00
Total ledger assets .......................................... $21,880,403