TABLE 11.-Disbursements-Stoc7k Fire Cjnpanies-
Salaries and     aies ofAdvertising.
Name of Company.                 ;oex   uses            m one office    
Rents.        psationer an
a-ents.         eploes.                          sa
Germania     ......$ .....................    $126,726 6(6      $144,045
36       $31,396 08       $19,121 37
Girard F. &     M .......................        23,101 41       62,604
10         12,561 78         9,400 57
Glens Falls .................    .........     150,917 01         74,397
28        11,189 51        24,707 00
Globe and Rutgers ................... ................           120,432
00,        9, 742 50        8,830} 4W
Granite   State   ............... .........     11,435 02        23,628 37
         2,770 16         5,591 92
Hanover .                                        ........ ..............
.....                     ..... 119,627 12  119,0 81  25,335 77  30.181 18
Hartford ....................          ..       760,835 46       649,532
30       120,0)2 71       187,232 89
Home .................................         425,518 67        496,327
04       130,489 58       237,160 59
Humboldt ............................            19,307 03        34,562
66         3,1882 48         8,627 74
Imperial    .............................         7,024 43        15,584
50         1,524 00         2,148 96
Insurance Co. of No. Am ............            482,248 49       185,803
24        53,518 32        96,711. 22
Insurance Co., St. of Pa .............           87,801 89       103,687
46         5,390 00        22,810 84
L,iverpool and London and Globe            .      ..........       6,812
75    .      .               3,0559 28
Lumber..~~~~~~~~~                                             ~   ~~    
    ~        ~~13,002 00  1, 780 78
Lumber     ................................. ................     23,,4531
               7             8047
Lumbermen's      .............  ...........       9,328 79        20,035
00         1,2CO 00         2,453 04
Maryland Motor Car ............... .              1,182 36        12,946
81         1,141 68         3,702 16
Massachusetts F. & M ............. .. 16,305 79                   30,042
59         6,498 84         9,23{0 31
Mechanics     ...........................        3,671 92        19,587 00
         3,50  00         7.246 52
Mechanics and Traders .         .............   52,078 90          5,922
60         2,710; 84        6,320 63
Michigan Commercial .......        ........     76,926 88         34,932
77         4,700 00         9,306 42
Michigan F. & M .....................                               
              ..........20,208 18  23,968 80  4,909 92  14,786 87
Mi    nneapolis P. & M .....................     17,919 76        17,193
18         1,511 57         4,60  57
Nassau    and  Dtchess .     ...............     9,053 13         28,0'20
10        3,030 81         4.372 73
National Ben Franklin ...............            25,105 87        66,125
59         6,000 0.         7,738 55
National Brewers' ............... ................01
National Fire .............     ...........    869,962 31        208,396
85        46,240 44        92,010 17
Nationa, Lumber .........       ...........      5,456 24         20,341
05           060 00         1.617 01
National Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   133,594 13  114,724
62  13,073 44        28,085 37
New              n  ....................J .         454711        57,548
83         3,816 14        14,744 06
Newark ..............................           .47,763 80        47,584
70         5,214 30        19,456 46
New B~runswick ..............................                           
                           ... 38,109 68  25,241 37  2,500 00  5,194 11
New   Hampshire ......................           109, 896 29      71,687
01         1,500 00        23,185 88
Niagara        .     ....................        123,598 77     200,742 97
        40,180 09   3    38,295 46
North British and Mercantile                 .        .            23,748
88        2:,349 90        5,438 75
North River ..........................            54,030 07      139,463
55        15,030 00       o1,586 79
Northern ....................                                           
                               ............. ................ 1,280 1,280
00  4,500 00  6 00
Northwestern  F.................   .....           22,4312        37,322
89         3,W60 00         5,404 51
Old Crolony       . &      M . ..                 10,368 37       18,137
69           500 04         3,6:23 40
Orient ....5................6...........         5,170 49         63,614
35         8,712 41        15,213 57
Pelican   ...............................            332 70       15,787
86         1,849 29         3,475 20
Pennsylvania     .............  ...........    140,607 08         72,208
50        22,366 )18       29,208 37
Peoples National............                      15,765 45       56,064
82         3, 941 96       11,320 0
Phople~s Nationalx.                              414,768 03      144,919
53        28,542 02        50, 1193 2 40
P   ittsburgh .......                             13,559 67       12,073
99         3,265 95         3,906 49
Providenee-Washington       ......  .......    124,140 68        119,213
95        14,282 90        29,743 89
Queen . .        . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .      178,247 22       331,883 42
        47,050 96        60,188 64
Reliance. ..    ....................... .       41,162 12         65,934
94         8,702 56        12,481 93
Rhodane Island      ...............516 63
R hode    Island  ............................. ................   ......................
  ........... ............ ,
Security Fire, Davenport, Ia ........           16,668 28        12,721 21
         1,695 CO         4,875 70
Security, New    Haven, Coonn ........            88,255 06     106,723 61
        11,927 23        20,041 00
Springfield, F. and M ................           309,590 43     320,983 34
        35,161 74        74.158 35
Standlard ...... , ................. ...                                
                           ......... 37,528 36  22,474 19  1,893 11  6,359
St. Paul    .         .............................  182,225 44  102,166
85        12,592 50        49,466 37
Srliterltl~ing.~t*Fi~e i~ittsbtlrgh  i~a  *   18,322 03         32,132 06
        4,535 58        13.538 96
Tceutonia Fire, Pittsburgh, Pa ....             14,926 70        29,404 51
         1,000            4426