G 5

Book value of real estate ...... ........................  $622,978 56
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens .......... 1, 666,800 00.
Book value of bonds, $8,950,724.41; stocks, $1,010,508.16 9,961,232 57
Cash in company's office .....$......        622 35
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ......... .............  168,548 10
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ........... ............... 1,168,762 28

Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 ........................
Agents' balances, representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 .................................
Bills receivable, taken for fire risks .................
Other ledger assets, viz.: Cash in branch offices-
Chicago $278.00, Omaha $1,855.18, New Orleans
$2,157.81 .. ......................................
Advances to special agents ...........     $14,263 19
Due from    other insurance companies       43,592 53

902,616 72
23,451 63
163,724 33
4,290 99

57,855 72
Bills receivable taken for agents' balances ..........    3,315 70
Loans on personal security .9,000 00
Total ledger assets .......................................... $14,752,199

Interest due, $305.00 and accrued, $31,146.73 on mort-
gages ..............................................  $31,451 73
Interest accrued on bonds .................    ........  125,820 06
Total ..............................
Market value of real estate over book value ......................
Market value of bonds and stocks over book value ...............

157,271 79
6,538 93
152,247 34

Gross assets .........i....................................... $15,068,257


Agents' balances. representing business written prior
to Octoher 1. 1912 ........
Bills receivable, past due, taken for marine, inland
and fire risks .
LoaIn s on personal security, endorsed or not, and
hills receivable taken for agents' balances ........
Advances to special agents ...........................

$23,451 63
35,553 64
12.315 70
14,263 19

85,584 16
Total admitted assets..14982672 91

Gross losses adjusted and unpaid not yet due ......
Gross claims for losses in process of adjustment or
in suspense, nplus $25,721.01 reserved for losses in-
curred prior to Dec. 31, of which no notice had been
I P    - rb-     -;_rnra  |+hA4   ;

$106,037 22

-lVCu     )1 that nate ..................3.............  q2- 398 28
Gross claims for losses resisted.                        62.041 31
TotaI        e$1,001,476 81
Deduct reinsurance due or accrued....................    415,180 78
Net amount of unpaid losses and elaimrs.....................
Gross premiurms (less reinsuraicee) r1ceived] -and re-
ceivable upon all unexpired fire risks running one
yvear or less from date of policy. incl1dhin interest
premiums on perpetual fire risks, $4,151,728.13; un-
earned premiums (fifty per cent) .................. $2,075,864 07

$586,296 03