368                       COMMONWEALTH          INS. CO.
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses...       
  2,927 22
Salaries, $22,181.93, and expenses, $22,467.7a of special and general
agents  ...........................................................     44,649
Salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, directors trustees
and home office employes      ......................  ..........        25,703
Rents ..............................................................    
  7,509 56
Advertising,$5.1084.33; printing and stationery, $11,647.46 .... ...... 
 16,731 79
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express ................     ........ 
  6,925 79
Legal expenses .       ...................................................
  565 52
Furniture and fixtures ...........       .................................
 2,22.5 71
Maps, including corrections ........        ...............................
 745 02
UTnderwriters' boards and tariff associations .......    .................
 6,838 75
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ............       ..................................
 7,015 51
Tiispections and surveys ........................................       
  5,343 68
State taxes on premiums ..........        ................................
 13,138 15
Insurance department licenses and fees ...........................      
  7,587 26
All other licenses. fees and taxes:
Municipal taxes and licenses .......................      $6,001 86
Legal publications .481 32
6,483 18
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) .50'..................................................... 
      00, an
Agents' balances charged off .......................................    
    177 36
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz.: Stocks    ...... 
 . 2,450 00
Total disbursements ..........       ................................  $918,242
Balance .    ...................................................... $2,621,097
Mortgage loans on real estate. first liens ..  ............  $309,000 00
Book value of bonds. $1,231,365.71, and stocks, $847,-
399.52.                                                2,078,765 23
Cash In company's office ...............        $200 00
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on Interest .................     ....      87,767 87
87,967 87
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
seonent to October 1. 1912 .......     ..................  139,730 40
Agents' balanee,. representing business written prior
to October 1. 1912 ..........    ........................  3,906 07
Other ledger assets. viz.:
Sprinlrler leakage account (deducted in unadmitted
assets .      ...............  .....................       l00 M
Western Adjustment & Appraisal Cb. ..............            200 0
Reinfsurance recoverable on paid losses ............       1,415 09
Reinsurance recoverable oi;t paid adjustments      ......       12 36
T7otal ledger assets .................                          $2,621,097
Tnterest due. $850 and accrued, $2,231.96 on mortgages      $3,081 96
Interest accrued on bonds .......................           13,719 98
Total ........................................................      16,801
Gross assets ............     ............................... $2,637,898
Are-nts' balanees, representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ..........    ........................   $3,906 07
hverdue and neerued interest on bonds in default ..         34,045 23
Book value of ledger assets over market value. viz.:
Sprinkler leakage account .......          ....              100 00
71-r l '-I-Am w -                     38,051 30
Total admitted assets ........................          0   ,. $2,599,847