Salaries, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home officeo employes......................................
Rents, including $2,500.00 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings  ......................................................
Advertising, $653.35; printing and stationery, $3,695.68............
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express........................
Legal expenses ....................................................
Furniture and fixtures......................................
Maps, including corrections .......................................
Ijnderwriters' boards and tariff associations......................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ..............................................
Inspections and surveys ...........................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate.
Taxes on real estate...............................................
State taxes on premiums ......................     .
Insurance department licenses and fees............................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......      ....................   $316 01
Capital stock tax ...................................      1,074 77
Other disbursements:
Heating, lighting, etc., of home office ............        $S60 99
Maintenance of agents' and special agents' offices..       3,121 75
Bradstreet's, $409.50; IJndrs. Protective Assn.,
$250.00 ...              .                                 659 50
Signs, $29.04; subscriptions to periodicals, $217.00         246 04
Safety deposit boxes, $125.00; bonds, $65.87; Howe
Address Co., $57.42 .........     .....................    248 29
Christmas greetings, $276.25; Suffern & Co., $362.50.        638 75
Jos. Parker & Sons. Co.. blotter stock, $240.00;
paper boxes, $113.78 ......................        -3.........  53 78
Sundry expenses ............     .......................     359 21

21,876 88
2,500 00
4,249 03
3,814 99
50 Of)
368 95
5,363 03
6,282 51
1,632 93
1,120 48
766 47
787 '3
10,742 93
2,529 00
1,390 78
r. 4RR 31

Deposit premiums returned ...... .. .. .. . ..  .6........ . .. .. . .. ..
. .  6,486 60
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year)           ................................              32,000
Agents balances charged off           ...................52 1
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Real estate ....$33..................                        0 4
Bonds .....................                                 65 00
39,5 46
Total disbursements .................                           $416,132
Balance .'.$1 ................. $1,162.718 39

Book value of real estate.............................
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens..............
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral ...........................................
Book value of bonds, $571,266.98; and stocks, $198,-
5101.42 ..............................................
Cash in company's office.............................
Deposits in trust companies and banks on interest
Agents' balances representing business written subse-
quent to October 1, 1912...................
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912..................................
Perpetual deposits in other companies................
Total ledger assets..............................

$55, 057 1 8
178,100 00
3,700 00
769,768 40
1,562 03
84,927 21
65,844 23
1,855 59
1,903 75
.............. $1,162,718 39

Interest due, $155 and accrued, $1,716.59 on mortgages
and ground rents ..........     ........................  $1, 871 59
Interest accrued on bonds ........................:.        6,969 00
Interest accrued on collateral loans ...................3 9 22
Rents due on company's property or lease ...........          87 50
Total .....................................................

8,967 31