Returned on cancellations ..... ..........     4 75

Total premiums and assessments, less de-
ductions .............................
Clash received as borrowed money (date
borrowed, May 21)....................
Cash received from all other sources:
Fine's of 1911 and 1912, $52.09; on trans-
fers, $24.00, .......................

$10,978 38
500 00

76 09

Total income during year ........................   11,554 47
Total assets of previous year and income .........  $15,977 27

Paid for losses, including ,$200.00 for
losses occurring in previous years ......   $11,845 40
Borrowed money (date repaid, July 13)...          500 00
Interest on borrowed money      .      ....         3 50
Salaries, $50.00, and fees, $486.00, paid
officials   ...................... .5 E 36 0 0
Agents' compensation:
Paid for extra trips .....       $13 '50
Policy fees ............       1,156 50
Total paid agents ..                     1,170; 00
Paid for collection of assessments ........       248 10
Postage, printing and stationery .........        240 04
Express, telegraph, telephone and ex-
change .   ...............................        5 90
All other disbursements:
Paid directors ........    ...............      204 00
Paid adjusters ..........   ..............      273 00
Livery hire and-to get safe ............         11 50
R. R. fare and Notary fees .............          4 50
Wood and janitor .......     .............        4 65
Dep~uty sheriff ........  ................        2 00
Total disbursements.       ................            15,048 59
Balance ..................................         $928 68

Cash belonging to company, in hands of treasurer......
Unpaid assessments levied during current
year prior to   Nov.  I. ..................  $13   76
Furniture, fixtures and safes, $175.00;
supplies, $50.00 ......................      225 00

$928 68

Total non-ledger assets..........................


238 76
$1,167 44

Gross assets ..............................