Advertising, $4,925.12; printing and stationery, $14,531.34..........
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express.........................
Legal expenses ....................................................
Furniture and fixtures .............................................
Maps including corrections ........................................
Underwriters' koards and tariff associations..................
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses .............................................
Inspections and surveys ....................
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes),on real estate............
Taxes on real estate.       ......................................
State taxes on premiums......................................
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ............................        $728 61
Taxes on personal property ........................       1,600 78
State fees and licenses ........     ....................  8, 770 98
Other disbursements:
Auditing and accounting .........      ...................  $1,384 58
Miscellaneous ..................   .....................   3,378 34
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year, $52,397.80)........................................

19,456 46
5,033 "1
1,781 28
13,876 54
5,326 75
5,386 22
3,407 12
4,222 371
3,419 37
'),119 b6
12,395 54
11,100 37

4,762 9!2
52,431 80

Total disbursements . ............................ ;.........  $728,104 1.0
Balance .$1,897,635 70

Book value of real estate.............................
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens..........
Book    value  of   bonds,  $705,914.90,  and   stocks,
$322,250.38  ...................................
Cash in company's office ...............   $3000
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest ........   ..............      931 67
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ...........   ...............   81,745 27
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912.........................
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912...................................
Other ledger assets:
Deposited with Philadelphia Fire Underwriters'
Assn. ..............................
Cash advances to special agents....................

$145,523 24
495,850 00
1,028,165 28
82,976 94
139,652 33
3,817 91

100 00
1,550 00

Total ledger assets .$1,87................. 61,S                       3,35
Interest due. $937.12 and accrued. $6.677.06 on mort-

gages ..                                                $7,614 1S
Interest due and accrued on bonds .....                   9,582 00
Total ........................
Market value of real estate over book value........................
Other non-ledger assets: Due from other companies
on losses already paid:
Russian Reins. Co .         .................................  $6,906 62
Massachusetts 1i'ire & Marine .................... ...        47
Mechanics & Traders      ..............................    -5 74
Reins. Bureau .....................................        672 37

17,19 I18
4,476 7G

7.573 72
Gross assets ....................... ......................... $1,92 3.882
Agents balances, representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 ...................................   $3,817 91
Book value of ledger assets over market value .......       4,322 28
8,140 19
Total admitted assets ....................................... $1,918,742