272                         AMERICAN    INS. CO.
Newark, N. J.
Home Office: NO. 70 PARK PLACE.
[Incorporated Feb. 20, 1S46; commenced business April 1, 18416; admitted
President, P. L. HOADLEY.                Vice President, CH.-,S. E. SHELDON.
Secretary and Treasurer, C. W. BAILEY.
Amount of capital paid up in casb ....................',000,000 00
Amount of ledger assets Dec. 31, of previous year .$9,437,395d SO
Fire and   Marine and
Tornado.     Inland.
Gross premiums .........   .............. $5,581,25;7 76  $44,086 05
Deduct gross amount paid for reinsur-
ance, fire, $797,800.210; marine and in-
land, $920.22; return premiums, fire,
$885,760.87; marine and inland, $6,800-
83 ...................................  1,683,561 07   7,721 05
Total premiums (other than perpetual) $3,897,696 69   $36,365 00 $3,934,061
Gross interest on mortgage loans less $33.29 accrued
interest on mortgages acquired during the year .    $83,483 41
Gross interest on bonds and dividends on stocks, less
$3,803.49 accrued interest on bonds acquired dur-
ing the year .281,427 03
Gross interest on deposits in trust companies and
banks ..................................... ........   3,084 103
Gross interest from  all other sources:  Farm  bills
receivable .1,777 26
Gross rents from    company's property, including
$18.151.46 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings ........................................    26,242 05
Total gross interest and reuts ......     ......................  396,014
From  agents' balances previously charged off.24 36
Gross profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz.: Stocks ....  4,W93
Total income . ...........    ................................. $4,335, 093
Total footings ..        .......................      $13, 771,489 37-
Fire and    Marine and
Tornado.      Inland.
Gross amount paid policyholders for
losses (including $298,10X.88 occurring
in previous years) .......    .....  $2,303,809 53   $5,592 68
Deduct amount received for salvage.
fire.  $15,098.31;  reinsurance., fire,
$415,381.7             43s04............ .........   4,8  .
Net amount paid policyholders
for losses ...,,,... $1,373,329 50          $5,592 68 $1,878,922 18