AETNA    INS. Co.                           241
Miarine and
Fire.       nillanld.
Gross amount paid     Policyholders for
losses (including $753,972.90 occur-
ring in previous years ...... ....... $5,2,02,778 15 $1,200,791 79
Deduct amount received for salvage,
fire, $54,627.26; marine and 'inland,
$45,003.86. reinsurance, fire, $922,-
150.19; marine and inland, $402,,054.99;
discount, fire, $1,759.05 .. .............  978,536 50  447,058 85
Net amount paid policyholders for
losses  ..                     $4,224,241 a  $753,732 91
Expenses of adjustmient and settlement of losses .....     ...........  57,195
Commissions of brokerage .1,86,453 32
Salaries, $189,820.52, and expenses, $142,423.23, of special and gent
eral agents .............................                          332,243
Salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes ...................................... ..  398,236
Rents, inelufling $25,0t00 for company's occupancy of its own build-
ings ..63,99310
ig  ...........................................................  63,993 10
Advertising, $17,518.45: printing and stationery, $91,390.68 ........  108,909
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express ........... .8,03             
Legal expelises .         .................................           9,998
Furniture and fixtures ... ............. 19,261 55
Maps, including corrections ...................    ...................  17,967
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations  .    .     .........  81,598
Fire department; fire, patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ...     ..                                     19,646s3
I s etaons   and   survneys  ....  .............. I...............  ....................
 19,646  30
Inspections and surveys.......................................        68,788
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate ....   .......  3,713
Taxes on real estate     .............................................. 
9,709 25
State taiees on premiums ..      .....      ..   .....................  152,734
Insurance department licenses and fees ...        .......................
 29,057 41
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
IFederal corporation tax   .    .....................  $10,402 17
Fire department taxes, $36,860.;00  city and town
licenses, $17,157.59 . ..................            54.017.59
Tax on franchise, $9.00; stockholders' tax, $145,00000  145,009 00
Fire marshal tax. $7.517.56; personal property tax
in various towns, $4,53,0.35      .         .        12,047 91
Other disbursements:
Equipment of printing department .$4,063 24
Auditing, $1,(00.00; coal, $1,270.81; electric light and
gas, $3,192.58 .5,463 39
Ice, $352.78; janitor's   and   engineer's  supplies,
$2.128.96 .2,481 74
Laundry, $1,622.94; lunch system, $14,195.30     .     1.,818 24
Newspaper subscrintions, etc., $1,314.30: water, $273 32  1,587 62
Vault protection, $683.13; pensions, $600.00; cartage,
$1,188.58 .2,471 71
Premiums on Fire and Liability      Policies, $193.00;
mercantile agencies, $1,929.00 .2,122 00
34,007 94
Paid Munich Reinsurance Company for Interest on balance ......        19,076
Deposit premiums returned ..............        ,                      3,396
Paid stockholders for Interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) .......................
Agents' balances charged off .........       .........................  2,287
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Bonds ...                                             $34,252 17
Stocks  ............................   ............    17,125   83
Gross decrease, by adjustment, In book value ledger assets, viz.:     51,378
Bonds     ...Xi.5...........................                          550
Total disbursements .$9,397,688 02
Balance .$21,700,7621 78