In this connection it might be well for the state fire marshal
and for the fire chiefs to consider carefully the adoption of a sys-
tem in use for, years in the New England factory mutuals, whcn-
by the inspectors are brought together in regular weekly meet-
ings to review their problems and for the mutual instruction ul1
der the, direction of the most competent and experienced engineec
The compulsory requirement of periodical inspections through-
out the state for fire prevention purposes is the first of the kind
in the United States. In most cities the fire chiefs have eagerly
taken advantage of this arct to initiate or' perfect plans for inspec-
tions which they already had in mind. The result is that cordial
support is being given to the law by the fire departments.. Peri-
odical inspections are required to be made of all property except
the interior of private dwellings, once in three months within
the fire limits, and once in six months in outside territory under
the jurisdiction of the fire department.
A personal inspection by a, member of a fire department of a
building from roof to basement, followed possibly by a per-
sonal interview and at least the leaving of a, written report with
the owner, cannot fail to direct his attention to dangers which
would ordinarily be overlooked by one whose attention, is' not con-
stantly directed to the subject, or to bring about an appreciation
of the importance of proper protection against fire where such
may be. lacking. The visits of the, inspectors, and the, reports com-
ing home to every property owner, will necessarily tend to keep
constantly before the individual owners and the entire} commun-
ity the necessity for preventing fires, and bring about the general
co-operation which is all that is necessary for more than halving
our annual fire waste. These immediate results from the eli-
mination of temporary causes. are sure to be supplemented by biet-
ter construction and ilnIproved city planning at the instance of
both the owner and. the community, looking to' the permanent
lessening of the fire hazard.