rates, shall be, filed by such insurer or its agent or expert duly
authorized, with the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance
within three months after this aet goes into effect, or with the
amendments to such general basis schedules which may be filed
with the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance from time to
time thereafter.  Any one or more such insurers, singly or
jointly, may employ for the making of such general basis sehed-
ules and rates and the filing of the same the services of such
experts as it, or they, may deem advisable for such purpcose'.
Every such insurer or agent shall, within ten days after written
demand therefore furnish to any person, upon whose property
or risk a rate has been made by said insurer, or his authorized
representative, full information as tok such rate, and if such
property or risk be rated by schedule applying particularly to
each risk, a copy of such schedule, and shall provide such means
as may be approved by the Commissioner of Banking and, In-
surance whereby any person or persons affected by such rate may
be heard on an application for a change in such rate. Whenever
it in made to appear to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of
Banking and Insurance that any such rate or general basis sched-
ule or amendment thereof discriminates unfairly between risks
within this State of essentially the same hazard, or that any
insurer has. made any insurance within this State at any rate
not in accordance with the general basis schedule or amendment
thereof filed by it, he may, after a full hearing, either before
himself or before any salaried employee of the department of
banking and insurance, whose report he may adopt, order such
discrimination removed, or such rate correeted in accordance
with such general basis schedule or amendment thereof; and all
such insurance affected thereby shall forthwith comply with
such order; nor shall such insurers or any of them remove such
discrimination by increasing the rates on any risk or elass of
risks affected by such order unless, it is; made to appear to 6h'e
satisfaction of the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance that
such increase is justifiable.
Any insurer, agent, expert, person or corporation violating
any of the provisions of this act shall be subject to a penalty
cf five hundred dollars for each and every violation to be sued