added thereto, the same as any other town, but such city or
village shall not be counted in determining the number of towns
under which such corporation may do business. Any such
company now transacting business in any such city or village,
now existing or hereafter organized, without the same being
included in its territory, as hereinbefore specified, may never-
theless continue to do business therein until the first day of
July, 1914 or until the second annual meeting after * * *
the organization of such city or village. .  *  *  Unless the
articles be so amended to specifically include such city or village,
no insurance shall be effected therein after tIhe time above men-
(c) No property shall be insured in any such city or village
except farm property or detached dwelling houses and contents
or barns or outbuildings used in connection with such dwelling
house and not used for trade or manufacturing, and the con-
tents of such barns or outbuildings.
1931 (2) (1898, ch. 353, 1903; ch. 36, 1905; ch. 442, 1907; ch.
99, 1909; ch. 152, 1913.)
Risks; kind; single; maximum.
(Section 1931) 2. No such corporation shall insure any
property other than detached dwellings and their contents,
farm buildings and their contents, live stock in possession, use
or running at large, farm products on premises and farming
tools, implements and machinery; providing that it may, when
its directors shall be so authorized at any annual meeting, in-
sure property in any of the following classes, in an amount not
exceeding  * *   * five thousand dollars on any single risk,
to-wit: (1) country stores, (2) schoolhouses, (3) town and
society halls, (4) churches, (5) country hotels, (6) water mills,
(7) blacksmith shops, (8) cheese factories, (9) creameries, and
the contents of any such buildings.
1931 (2m)   (Ch. 242, 1913.)
22m. Such corporation maif also insure automobiles awd
motor-driven vehicles for any member having other property in-
sured in such corporation, against loss or damage by fire and
lightn/ng; provided, that such automobile or vehicle shall be
separately mentioned and described in the policy.' N7o such in-
surance shall be effected until authorized by the board of direc-
tors or by a by-law adopted at an annual meeting or at a meet-
ing specially called for that purpose; provided, that any cor-
portion heretofore effecting insurance upon automobiles or such