438                      FIREMANM 'S FUND INS. C0,
Deduct amount received for salvage,
fire, $15,094.31; marine and inland,
$171,094.27; reinsurance, fire, $452,-
324.5-9; marine nd inland, $752,729.30;
discount, fire, $879.03 ...... ..........  468,297 93  923,823 57
Net amount paid policyholders
for losses ........  .............. $1,971,094 97  $932;170 69
$2,903,265 66
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses .................      54,646
Commnnissions or brokerage...... .-....-........................      963,013
Allowance to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses...        21.548
Salaries, $245,998.29, and expenses, $100,554.87, of special and gen-
eral agents .346,553 16
Salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and hibme office employes .218,215 63
Rents, including $14,700 for company's occupancy of its own build-
ings .32,281 54
Advertising, $36,516.65; printing and stationery, $45,476.10.           81,992
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .40,325 15
Legal expenses.                                                         7,624
Furniture and fixtures.                                                 6,099
Maps, including corrections.............                               10,909
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations.                           58.747
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses .12,068 26
Inspections and surveys...................................              21,765
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate .2,846 15
Taxes on real estate .................                                  6.237
State taxes on premiums .114,802 29l
Insurance departnient licenses and fees.3 0,122 87
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .............................  $ 2,950 23
Franchise and municipal license ......   ..............  5,446 22
Personal property tax ..............................       190 99
8,587 44
Other disbursements: Donations and charity......................        
1,047 00
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year)            ..240,000 00
Agents' balances charged o           .           ..                     
2.648 46
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledged assets:
Bonds ...                                              $10,309 10
Stocks ...                                               1,354 00
11,663 10
Total disbursements .........                                 $5,197,012
Balance ................................................ $9,266,109 1.
Book value of real estate ...........................   $473,442 39
Mortgage loans on real estate, first liens .........   1,004,083 33
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other col-
lateral .....               ....                       430,850 00
Book   value  of  bonds, $1,828,717.17, and    stocks,
$628,668.50. ..             .......                  5,457,385 67
Cash in company's offices ......   ..........  7,815 67
Deposits in trust companies and banks
not on interest .........  ................  83,831 75
Deposits in trust companies   and   banks
on interest ............ ................. 593,984 03
685,631 45
Agents' balances representing business written subse-
qiient to Oct. 1, 1912 .1,144,954 45
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to Oct. 1, 1912 .43,883 09
Bills receivable, taken for marine and inland risks       22,860 30
Other ledger assets: County and school district
wNarrants .3,018 45
TotaT ledger assets ......$. .................................... $9,266,109