FIDELITY-PHENIX       FIRE INS. CO.                    425
Marine and
Fire.        inland.
Gross amount paid policyholders for
losses (including $472,767.80 occurring
in previous years) .................. $3,782,79S 42    $01,310 51
I)educt amount received    for salvage,
flit, $32,903.10; marine arld inland,
$1.75:oO; reinsurance, fire, $602,774.65;
maLrine and inland, $12,79.792    .......  035,737 81   12,970 72
Net amount paid     policyholders
Ior losses ........... ........... $3,147,000 01  $48,345 79
$3,193,400 40
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses .....      ...........  99,790
Cornulissioris or brokerage         .......................................
1,277,517 57
Allowances to local agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses ...      
 894 17
Salaries $142,137.(07, arid expenses $122,631.04, of special and general
agrents ...........................................................  264,708
Salaries, fees. and all other charges of officers, directors. trustees
and home office employes ...................     ....................  419,721
Rents, including $4,500.00 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings   ....................  ...................................  70,718
Advertising, $20,983.18; printing arid stationery, $41,757.20 ..........
 62,740 38
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .46,779 5() expenses ............0..............                            6,450
Furniture and fixtures           .            .18,711 71
Maps, including corrections         .           .21,048 05
IJnderwriters, boards and tariff associations    .      .71,704 93
Fire department, fire paltrol arid salvage corps assessments, fees.
taxes arid expenses           .            .28,728 38
Inspections and surveys                      .11,494 34
Repairs arid expenses (other than taxes) on real estate                 6,402
Taxes on real estate .7,452 57
Staite taxes on premiums           .           .116,097 78
Insurance department licenses arid fees.                               35,349
All other licenses. fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .......      ...................  $20,070 99
Municipal taxes .............                           12,216 11
32.287 10
Other disbursements:
Mercantile agencies ........     .........................  $6,509 46
Miscellaneous .............   ..........................   752 18
Exchange ....                          .....            11,046 75
Subscription to papers .........2....... ....           ,107 90
Investment expenses, viz. brokerage fee Monmouth
Beach property $300.00. Collection of Council
Bluffs Water Works Co. coupons $919.:6. Insur-
anice on property on which company held mort-
gage $64.68. premiums on insurance on life of H.
C. Stockdell $1.062.90, transfer and notary fees
$35.10. Rent for safe deposit boxes, $162.50 ......      2,544 24
22.960 53
Balance of claim against Citizens Insurance Co. charged to profit
and loss account .... ............................                    8,067
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
irig the year, $375,000.00) .     ......................................
 250,006 00
Decrease in liabilities during the year on account of reinsurance
treaties..47,887 43
tra aIe .............................................................. 47
Agents' balances charged off ..................     ................... 
21,422 30
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz.:
Bonds   ............................................................    25)
Gross decrease, by adjustment, in book value of
ledger assets, real estate ........ ..................  $42,387 97
Bonds ...............................................   42,200 00
Stocks   ...............................................  235,595 00
320,182 97
Total disbursements .$6,464,840 08
Balance ....                                           $15,113,286 27