CONTINENTAL INS. Co.                            379
New York City.
Home Office, 80 MAIDEN LANE.
[Incorporated January, 1853; commenced business January, 1853; admitted Feb.,
President, HENRY EVANS.                  Vice President, GEORGE E. KLINE.
Secretary, C. RTh TUTTLE.
Amount of capital paid up in cash .......   ........... $2,000,000 00
Amount of ledger assets December 31 of previous year ........... $25,503,123
Marine and
Fire.       inland.
Gross premiums ..       ................ $10,356,023 54  $285,937 16
Deduct gross amount paid for reinsur-
ance, fire. $1,179,842.18; marine and
inland, $99,023.44; return premiums,
fire, $1,186,808.84; marine and inland,
$57,377.65 ............................ 2,366,651 02  156,401 09
Total premiums (other than per-
petual) .    $                $7,989,372 52   $129,536 07
$8,118, 98 59
Gross interest on mortgage loans ......     .............  $135 00
Gross jnterest on collateral loans ......   ............  2,402 78
Gross interest on bonds and dividends on stocks, less
$14,730.99 accrued interest on bonds acquired dur-
ing the year. ....--,----,-...                        924,384 40
Gross interest on deposits in trust companies and
banks ..............................................  104,819 47
Gross interest from all other sources ................    4,594 62
Gross rents from company's property, including
$18,125.00 for company's occupancy of its own
buildings  .   .........................................  72,104 64
Total gross interest and rents ..1........                    ,108,440 91
Profit received, being our proportion of partici-
pation to the extent of $1,000,1000.100 in Syndicate
formed for reorganization of the Third Avenue
Railroad Company ..........                                          5,310
From agents' balances previously charged off .    .   ........         1,896
Gross profit on sale or maturity of ledger assets, viz:
Bonds ........................................        $34,189 00
Stocks : ......                                        92,656 00
126,844 00
Gross increase, by adjustment, in book value of ledger assets, viz:
Bonds ...                                              $7,830 00
Stocks ...                                            622,488 00
630,318 00
Total Income ........... 9,991,718 86
Total footings ............................. .......... $35,494,842 29