ules of such rates promulgated by it as herein provided, and to
give reasonable notice of such alteration, amendment or revi-
sion to the public, or to any company or companies affected
thereby. Such altered, amended or revised rates shall be the
rates thereafter to be charged and collected by all fire insur-
ance companies affected by this Act; provided, that no policy
in force prior to the taking effect of such changes and amend-
mnents shall be affected thereby, unless there shall be a change
in the hazard of the risk, necessitating a change in the rate ap-
plicable to such risk, in which event such policy shall be sub-
ject to the new rates.
Section 20. Any citizen or number of citizens of this state,
or any policyholder or holders, -or any insurance company af-
fected by this Act, or any board of trade, chamber of com-
merce, or other civic organization, or the civil authorities of
any town, city or village, shall have the right to file a petition
with the state fire insurance commission, setting forth any
cause of complaint that they may have as to any order made
by this commission, or any rate fixed and determined by the
commission, and they shall have the right to offer evidence in
support of the allegations of such petition by witnesses, or by
depositions, or by affidavits; upon the filing of such petition,
the party complained of, if other than the commission, shall be
notified by the commission of the filing of such petition and
a. copy thereof furnished the party or parties, company or com-
panies, of whom complaint is made, and the said petition shall
be set down for a hearing at a time not exceeding thirty days
after the filing of such petition and the commission shall hear
and determine said petition; *  * and if it be found that
the complaint made in such petition is a just one, then the
matter complained of shall be corrected or required to be cor-
rected by said commission.
Section 21. The state fire insurance commission shall * * *
hear all protests or complaints from any insurance company or
any citizen or any city, or towIl, or village, or any commercial