.i2()                  GRANITE STATE FTRE INS. CO.
(Girofss losses adjusted and iupaid (due, $3,100; not
yet due, $9,076) ................................     $12,7706 00
Gioss clatimis for losses in process of a(ljustiuelit or in
suspense, plus $3,840; reserve for losses incurred
)rior to Dec. 31, of which no notice had been re-
ceived  onl that date  ........ .........................  49,989  04
Gross clalims for losses resisted .......................  6,100 00
T otafl   ...........................................  $68,865  04
Deducet reinsurance due or acrued ...................    1 0,271 44
Net amount of unpaid losses and claims..                       $52, 593 60
G(ross preinhimis (less reinsuru(ce) received and ie-
ceivable upon all unexpired lire misks running one
yetir or less from  date of policy, including pre-
niutms on perpetual fire mimsks, $304,823.01; unearned
pr em iums (fifty per cent) .......$8....             82,411 S1
(ross prenimilhlms (ress reinsurmuic) received and me-
(eivaI)le upon all mlnexIire(l fire risks rm1nuinz1 more
than ome year froom date of policy, $716,504.34; un-
earned premiums (pro rata) ......     ..................  377,133 03
Total unearned premiums as computed aboye .559,544 84
Salaries, rents, expenses, hills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued  1,340
Edstinate(l amount hereafter payable for federal, state and other
taxes bhased upon bushiness of the year of this statement .7,970 00
Reininuramice premiums .0,998 67
Tltal amount of all liabilities except capital   .$628,447 49
CaTpital actuallv paid mmmi in cash ......................$ 200,000 00
Surplus over all liabilities ............................  331,904 74
Surplus as regards policyholders       ..         .531,904 74
Total liabilities .................... $1,160,352 23
Firle         premiums
risks.         thereon.
TIn force on tlme 31st day of December, 1911 ........$ 103,217,347  $1,288,023
Wrmittenm om- renewed during tlme year.               66,480,672     848,023
'otal. ...............................          169,698,019  $2,136,047 19
Deduct those expired and marked off as terminated     61,547,670     811,166
1mm force at the end of the year ........ . ...$108,150,349  $1,324,880 36
Dediict amount reinsured .......................,.:18,620,452        243,492
Net amount in force .                          $89,529,897   $1,081,387 95