PI1OENIX    ASSURANSCE     CO.                     1001
Expenses of adjustment and settlement of losses .....        .............
 47,743 40
Commissions or brokerage ....                         ...     ..........
 446,683 98
loaces       to l ocal agencies for miscellaneous agency expenses..     
  8,567 58
$,,;6,434.62, and expenses, $48,937.32, of special and general
ageits ....................          ....                              135,371
S;;larlies, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes       ................................        14.0,818
Relnts .   ..............................................................
 22,875 64
Advertising, i3,0i66.04; printing and stationery, $26,184.92 .........  29,950
Postac-e, telegrams, telepuone and express ..................           
 28,696 45
legal expenses       .....................................................
  363 97
lurnitule and fixtures ..........     ...................................
 6,154 78
TMatps, including corrections        ........................................
 6,356 85
linuretwriters' boards and tariff associations ..32,169 18
1'ire department, fdie patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses .. .....................    .......................  33,284
Lnspectioiis and surveys          ^           ...                       
19,691 53
State taxes on premiums .......................,        ..          .   
 50,83:i 72
Inisurance department licenses and fees ............ ..   ..............
 10,597 25
All other licen.ses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax ...........................         $622 95
State licenses ..........    ............................  1,100 00
Local taxes .    .......................................   7,113 33
Advertising required by law ......      .................  1,067 90
9,904 18
Other disbursements:
Returned to home office ....      ........................  $39,971 89
Interest paid to reinsurers ......     ..................     45 40
Iremniurns oIi boiids required by states ....   .......      365 00
Exchange .     ..........................................  1,908 26
42,290 55
Agenits' balances charged off .......       ................................
 1.5 30
(ross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets: Bonds ..........       
    546 87
(G-ross decrease, by adjustmneiit, in book value of ledger assets:
Bo n ds ............................................................    38,097
Total disbursements ...................       ,    .   ........ $2,429,925
Ilalance .$3,843,718 03
Book value of bonds, $2,998,930, and stocks, $3,1086 ... $3,002,01.6 o0
(as1h in companly's offlice ..... .........     $256 06
Deposits in trust colnptaiiies and banks
not on interest .........   .............    9,001 15
l)ep-)osits in trust compaiiies and banks
on interest ............  ..............   300,966 83
310,824 04
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequenit to October 1, 1912 ......    ...................  510,075 41
Agenits' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912 .........   .........................   6.809 70
Other ledger assets:
P'hilaidelphia Fire Underwriters' deposit ....    .          2W 00
Furniture, fixtures and safes ...........    ...........  12,892 88
Total ledger assets .......................................... $3,843,718
Tinterest dule, $27,243.75 and .accrued, $15.418.35 on bonds .... ......
 42,662 10
Other norm-ledger assets:  Reinsurarice due on losses paid ........     
  6.111 36
Gross assets ................................................. $3,892,491